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Sword play in Volunteer Park

This evening’s walk in Volunteer Park included the usual mix of doggies, dahlias and joggers. But as we were leaving we happened upon these dudes – not the ninjas who can sometimes be found “hiding” in the trees behind the museum. No, they were knights of some sort showing off their limited sword skills to the amusement and befuddlement of park visitors in and around the donut.

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16 years ago

ninjas AND knights!? rad! if we could only get them to fight each other….

16 years ago

I used to see groups of people sword fighting in parks, ALL THE TIME when I used to live in North Seattle, especially Cowen Park.

16 years ago

Thanks for posting these 2 shots of me and my friend messing about. (I’m the guy in the motorcycle jacket, BTW.)

We were doing a free-sparring session that was open-invite in remembrance of a friend of ours that passed 3 weeks ago. He got us started doing regular sparring sessions in Volunteer Park several years ago, and we decided that one of the best ways to honor his memory was to go out and give ourselves a few good bruises and whack the snot out of each other for about an hour or so.

Sorry that the skill level demonstration wasn’t all that spectacular to watch. Catch us again another time and we’ll see what we can do about showing you something a little more impressive.