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Capitol Hill Community Council election: one view

Tonight the Capitol Hill Community Council had its election. Saunatina A. Sanchez and Hong Chhuor ran unopposed for secretary and treasurer, respectively. In a tight race, Charlette Lefevre polled 23 votes and Ryan Shandera polled 22 votes in the race for Vice President.

In a surprise move, Presidential Candidate Tim Durkan used his stump speech to announce his withdrawal from the race: he’s just taken a Neighborhhood Service Center position in Fremont, and wouldn’t have the time to be President of CHCC. We all congratulated new Community Council President Justin Carder.

The meeting was very well attended by an attentive and interested crowd of Capitol Hillites. At my suggestion, several Community Council Officers from years and decades past attended to share artifacts, contact info and advice.

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16 years ago

A warm thank you to Andrew Taylor and Roberta for conducting the elections. It was great turn out.

I was thrilled to meet some of the previous officers. We are now scheduling another meeting soon to set a regular date and time for monthly meetings.

final answer
final answer
16 years ago

This may have been the best week in politics ever.

16 years ago

I’m looking forward to making a few offline things happen :)

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