The artist behind the installation planned for the Capitol Hill light rail station says his project is in danger of being canceled because of the controversy surrounding his design.
Here are some of the things people are chewing on:
- Point: The installation includes war planes
- Counter: The war planes will be painted pink and cut into chunks
- Point: Capitol Hill is a peace loving, counter-cultural, anti-establishment kind of place
- Counter: The machines will be hacked and subverted
- Point: The Blue Angels suck
- Counter: These are not the Blue Angels
Etc. Here’s your chance to weigh in. Yeah, you can leave a comment here to try to sway the masses. But you should also let the people at Sound Transit know what you think. And step up and drop the artist a line too. Me? I won’t commit my support until the artist and ST step up, also — I want a more clear message about the intent of the piece. It doesn’t have to be written on a web site — maybe I just want smaller plane chunks hanging above my head. (And one jet painted blue, please.)
Joni Earl, CEO
[email protected]
Barbara Luecke, STart Program Manager
[email protected]
Mike Ross, artist
mailto:[email protected]
Capitol Hill is really “anti-establishment”. What?
compared to laytonville, no. compared to bellevue, yes.
okay i *guess* I see the artist’s points in this argument. however, i still don’t want to look at warplanes when I’m waiting to get on the subway. Yes, I’m calling it a subway. And no, I don’t have my head in the sand about whats going on in the world today. I just don’t need any extra reminders.
All other issues aside, isn;t it obvious that this artist .. if that is a liscenced term … knows less abput our region tha I d about the netherlands of Zimbabwe.
There are a lot of artists in Seaatle who would love this commission.
I DO NOT want war planes as art or as anything in Capitol Hill. When are we going to stop glorifying war? American war planes have and continue to kill human beings. That’s not art it’s murder! I think Seattle needs to have more creativity around art: from exploding cars at SAM to war planes in subway stations! it’s pathetic! And yes, the emperor has NO clothes on.
Of all that Capitol hill is, what do warplanes or even airplanes have to do with Capitol Hill specifically? Wouldn’t they be more appropriate in say, Renton or Everett or the Museum of Flight? An ooo, breaking them apart! That’s about as compelling as the _permanent_ exhibition of exploding cars in the lobby of the new addition to the Seattle Art Museum. Who comes up with these ideas? What’s the point…that we live in a dangerous world, duh? Don’t these exhibits then rather beg the answer and reinforce what we already know to be true? How about art about a world of the future after our fossil fuel addiction is over? A world free of Hummers and bummers.
How about using an old relic passenger plane of some kind?
I don’t object to war planes, or the color pink, or pink colored war planes. Planes are gorgeous…However, if the final execution is anything like the mock up I’d be pretty happy this art piece isn’t installed. I agree it doesn’t reflect the neighborhood at all, but beyond that, it’s a pretty ugly looking concept, and usually the concept phase is your best case scenario.