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The end of this neighborhood blog as we know it

Been fun. But it is time to kill this neighborhood blog.

In its place, we propose something a tiny bit bigger.

Whatever small success the “Fancy Pants” blog achieved was surely due to focus. We learned quickly not to stray from the Hill. Instead, we celebrated the minutiae of a few city blocks.

Now, we are about to mess with that recipe ever so slightly. The neighborhood limits, starting now, are expanded. From The Fancy Pants and Miller Park neighborhoods in the east to the I-5 Shores in the west. From Pike/Pine in the south to the Northern Fringes in the, um, north to the heart of the Hill on Broadway and the Institution Belt, we begin again.

Neighbors, we give you the new CHS Capitol Hill Seattle — Long may she wave.

Here, any neighbor and every neighbor can post. Here, we can stretch out to all of the Hill. Here, J can squeeze in even more ads and crazy gadgets and doohickeys into the template. Nothing can go wrogn.

To join the fun, register for an account and start posting. We’ve asked also a few other Hill bloggers to jump aboard to keep things interesting. Good and interesting stuff will appear on the homepage. We’ll let you explore the rest.

When you create a post, you’ll have the opportunity to select a neighborhood area to assign it to and add it to the map so everybody knows where on the Hill you’re writing about.

Our CHS neighborhood names are meant to be fun and descriptive. When you join the site and post, you can choose from the CHS names or create your own neighborhood label. A neighborhood, after all, should be defined by its neighbors.

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16 years ago

Go get ’em!

16 years ago

J – I love the new approach! Happy to see you are using the Instant Journalist service, too. (Scott, you and your brother rock.)

16 years ago

I like the new format and I’m interested to see the any bloggers at work.

16 years ago

But I’m starting to get my sea legs. Waiting for K to jump into the fray.

And really looking forward to the first story posted by a neighbor! (that I didn’t have to beg for :) )

16 years ago

You know we would have been all over this, even without the prodding. :) Glad it’s up.

16 years ago

Ch-ch-ch-changes! How does the humble working woman get a spot on the new blog? Just create an account? Gimme some guidance, J.

K and/or J
K and/or J
16 years ago

1) Create an account
2) Post a story, picture of video
3) Everything goes to the Stories page and to the corresponding neighborhood pages
4) The best stuff we promote to the homepage
5) Goto 2)

16 years ago

Thanks. :)