Of course, not everything in our circle of Facebook neighbors is glamour and glitz.
Sometimes we learn about crappy stuff, too. Like this note left by a neighbor:
just had my car broken into – during the day – in the impark pay lot on harvard (behind seattle central) on cap hill. just an fyi, guess its not a safe place to park :(
Car crime — unlike horrific murders — is an ongoing problem on several parts of Capitol Hill. Anecdotes like this — and the data — back up the assertion. We’re working on an update of crime trends including the latest 2007 data — hope to be able to show you where you need to be careful parking your car on the Hill and a few more useful tidbits soon. In the meantime, you’ve been warned.
After living at Bellevue and Denny for 13 months (a few years back), we soon learned to leave nothing in the car, ever. We even left the doors unlocked for our old CRX (though we lock the doors on our current car) after seeing too many windows smashed down on Melrose by I-5. Unless your car is in a garage owned by you with no access from the outside, someone is bound to rifle through your possessions at one point or another. Never leave anything of value in your car.
20th & John: several prowls of older cars over the years, and one battery stolen. In general, the soccer players’ cars are more attractive targets….
Agreed: NEVER leave anything in the car, even worthless items that might appear valuable:
Decades ago we had a diaper bag stolen from a car downtown. Sadly, the diapers in it were only wet ones.
Question: will the car prowlers note and react to any trends publicized here?