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The 15th Ave/ 19th Ave popularity contest

There are a lot of places on 15th and 19th that we write about frequently. There are a lot that we’ve mentioned every now and then. And there are even more that we haven’t had the chance to write about yet, haven’t tried or, well, haven’t had a notable experience with.

So we’re starting this list — The 15th Ave/ 19th Ave Popularity Contest — over on Amazon’s new Unspun service.

Here’s how it works. We made a list of all the businesses along 15th and 19th and ranked them in order of how much we liked them. What the hell does *like* mean? Basically, it’s some combination of enjoyable experience X frequency of visit. So places we enjoy a lot and go to a lot are starting higher on the list than places we don’t enjoy and never go to.

That’s mildly interesting but what makes Unspun cool is it lets others add to the rankings by voting businesses up and down the list or adding businesses for others to consider. Go over and add your $.02. If you have a great meal at Kingfish, come back, and knock it up a rung. If Wax On lets you down, drop it a notch.

Remember, now that the list is in the system, you and other users own it so you can rank or add whatever you like. And if you see something you think shouldn’t be on the list, you can knock it off too. Hopefully we didn’t burn you out on voting with the CHS Tourney 2006 — good news, so far, nobody has added any squirrels to the list.


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K and/or J
K and/or J
18 years ago

BTW, a thanks for the tip to friendly neighborhood reader Adam