Welcome to Day 1 of the Capitol Hill Seattle Tourney 2006. This is serious so pay attention. For the next few weeks, we’ll pit neighbor vs. neighbor in a battle royale for the top slot in our neighborhood.
Round 1 will consist of eight one-day matches. Round 2 should start on Tuesday the 12th with the battles stretching out two days each. Semi-finals should start on the 21st with the big finale starting on Christmas Day and stretching out until we say so.
We’re starting with an obvious match-up but an important one. We all need caffeine or we will die. You can look it up. Do you want yours Victrola cool or Fuel efficient? Vote! Remember, Round 1 matches only last one day so this poll closes Monday night.
I tried to vote Victrola but it said site error and wouldn’t let me!
Me, too! I clicked Victrola and it said “unauthorized poll code” and wouldn’t let me vote!
The poll is working fine. Maybe you “researchers” should also is test by voting for Fuel.
I voted for Fuel and got the unauthorized poll code message too. What’s going on?
Worked fine for me. Internet problems
Do you get some sort of kick back by constantly mentioning Victrola and Fuel, or do you just never go anywhere else…?
Patience, anonymous. We wanted to start things off with a familiar topic. Sorry if we’re boring you.
i’m sorry – how do i vote???
a down to the wire finish! I didn’t even notice the baristas at Victrola trying to drum up support when I dropped by last night.
You need to read their tattoos more closely, josh.