We are sorry to announce that the match we were planning to bring you in today’s CHS Tourney 2006 bout has fallen through. In the battle of Large, Dramatically Lit, Religious Structures, Holy Names has pulled up lame due to scaffolding issues leaving St. Joe’s without a competitor.
So we’ve scrambled to come up with a replacement contest. It’s short notice so we’ll be entering the ring ourselves. We’re willing to take a few scrapes to entertain you. In the other corner looms our age-old, gargantuan rival. Yes, ladies and gentlemen — The Slog. It’s hardly a fair fight. The Slog is powered by a legion of alternative journalist types and we’re just a widdle blog. But lest you think this will be a slaughter of Shoprite vs. Walgreens proportions, note that we will be entering battle with a key tag-team partner at our side: this adorable kitten.
Bring it on you Slog-washed masses. Vote for the Capitol Hill champ. We’ve got little Gismo on our side!
Update: This poll is mercifully over. You can check out our other Capitol Hill Seattle Tourney 2006 match-ups here.
damn. I thought that the kitten was a slog killer, but it looks like Dan has called in the calvary.
That’s a very cute kitten though.
In case you were wondering, poll closes tonight. At least the pummeling will end soon!
“Calvary,” always capitalized, is the hill on which Jesus was crucified. It means “hill of skulls.” Soldiers mounted on horseback are cavalry.
(per WSU).