With the Slog vs. ShopRite match coming to a premature close due to technical issues, we’ve decided to start the next match a day early. Unlike the Slog’s annihilation of ShopRite, we expect this battle to be much closer and attract quite a bit less outside interest. That means the results are in your hands — a true Capitol Hill Seattle expert.
A-Super Clean emerged from our dry cleaner vs. dry cleaner fight and has geography on its side. It’s the one right next to Victrola if you get the two 15th Ave dry cleaners confused.
In the other corner, we have the E. John/E. Thomas tag team that soundly defeated E. Aloha St. in first-round action. Winner goes on to the semi-finals. Voting ends Sunday night to get us back on schedule. Follow all the CHS Tourney 2006 action here.