We first stumbled upon Bre Pettis when he left a comment on Capitol Hill Seattle. He’ll never make that mistake again! We’ve been following his geeky cool I Make Things blog ever since though we don’t really have time to build robots because we can’t even pull the 3-foot dandelions out of our yard. Bre was a Hill resident when he left a note saying ‘hey’ so we’ll assume he still is even though we found him filling in for the much-buzzed about Amanda Congdon over on the nearly-equally much-buzzed about Rocketboom. We’re betting you’ll see Bre on at least TLC in a year if not the Discovery Channel.
Meanwhile, Seattle Bon Vivant — this city’s best example of an indie foodie blog — has gone radio silent, its connoisseurship frozen in place, the site post-less since early May. We haven’t pinged Viv — as her fans call her — so we’ll do it blog style. Viv, where are you? Seattle needs a chow tip or two. And you better scramble if you’re going to beat that Bre dude to having your own cable show.
Thanks for the shoutout to Viv. I miss her. Also absent lately is Meg from IHEARTBACON. What’s happening to all our Seattle food bloggers? Aliens?
i found this great new seattle focused blog: http://www.iheartseattle.com. updated constantly!
I’m on 18th and Howell and I haven’t been to Liberty yet… shocking but true. Drinks next week? -Bre
Sunshine-no-rain check? We’re out of town until mid-July.
We like Bre here at Liberty. After his comment at the end of June, it took a while, but he’s finally come on in. He’s the peach that you describe.
Take that, Bre!