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Jenga expert? Like to party? Capitol Hill wants you

We don’t make em up. We just report them. Craigslist says there’s a party in need of Jenga geeks Saturday night. You knew your day would come.

Rock on!


Party Crashers – AloHaus – Saturnight March 25th
Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2006-03-24, 1:21PM PST

I need 10 geeks, Nerds or Musicians who own Jenga on Saturday Night.

I’m Having a great party for my geek, nerd, and musician friends, There’s a bunch of cool people coming Saturday Night, you’ll be the Random Element.

I would like to play a very tall game of Jenga. Who’s with me?

Answer 1 Qualifying question from the defining categories below:

Name the Manufacturer of an elevator.
Extra Credit: Name the most common manufacturer in the US.

Name three Generals from Star Wars.
Extra Credit: Name them all.

Name the Frequency of A
Extra Credit: Make up an extra credit question.

So, Saturday Night (whenever that means to you) Show up at 24th and Aloha, bring friends, food, and presents. Get Friends, food and Presents.
This is going to be a great party, with musicians playing, heady intellectuals philosophizing, and a 3-Legged Drunken Sack Race. You should be there.
Call 206-MUD-XXXX for more info.

* this is in or around Capitol Hill – Aloha and 24th

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K and/or J
K and/or J
18 years ago

much less amusing in light of Saturday’s events :(

18 years ago

yeah, i’ve been wondering how this party went down in light of the weekend’s events too. ten-high jenga’s still a great idea though.