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A stump for Trump? Capitol Hill comics artist puts teeth into debate

screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-3-22-51-pmCHS Capitol Hill Comics contributor and neighborhood artist Tatiana Gill has come up with an, um, attention grabbing response to Donald Trump’s “locker room” sex assault talk. Here is what Gill told CHS about her “Stump” design:

I made this in response to the idea that Trump, or anyone like him, might grab someone else by the pussy without their consent. I have always enjoyed the concept of vagina dentata, especially as it would come in handy in the case of rape or assault. If Trump tries to grab that pussy his hand will get bitten off with razor sharp teeth, his arm now reduced to a bloody stump. I encourage anyone who want to use the image to go for it — if you want to make your own shirt/stickers, please do. The important thing to me is the message – that each human has body autonomy and final say in who grabs what.

You can also buy a shirt here. The full Happy Hilloween-worthy design is below.


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8 years ago

So great. Maybe you can sell at “Twist” the LGBTQ film fest that starts this Thursday!