Washington’s Most Wanted says this is the group responsible for a May 23rd robbery and shooting on Capitol Hill (Image: Washington’s Most Wanted)
The television program says these images from surveillance video provided by SPD show the two men arrested and charged in the crime — (Image: Washington’s Most Wanted)
Last week, Seattle Police detectives released surveillance video and images of a group they say is responsible for the May 23rd hold-up and wild gunfire that struck a victim and one of the suspects. But heading into the weekend, SPD didn’t send the information to CHS, the Seattle Times, or the area’s TV stations and the department didn’t utilize its much-heralded public information unit’s blotter blog or relationship with the Nextdoor system of neighborhood email lists to distribute the information.
Instead, the images of Jamala Omar-Coujah Myres and Trayveon Scott, who have been arrested and charged in the shooting, and their alleged accomplices, who have not, were provided to the local version of the Most Wanted television program on Q13 Fox.
You can view the video (and a McDonald’s commercial) from Washington Most Wanted here.
We’ve added the images from the video to this post. WMW says Seattle Police detectives identified the group as Myres, and his accomplices — including Scott, who was shot in the foot in the melee. WMW says the video shows the street robbery crew sizing up potential victims as they walk along what appears to be E Pine. The May 23rd robbery went down nearby near Summit and Howell.
Myres, arrested by a SWAT unit five days after the incident, has been charged with first degree robbery and assault in the case:
Scott was taken into custody after his recovery from the gunshot wound. Prosecutors say the 20-year-old had just been released from prison in March after serving “a 51-month prison sentence” on three counts of robbery with a deadly weapon.
Police, the WMW television program tells us, continue to search for the others shown in the video. We’ve asked SPD for more information and why the images weren’t made more widely available. UPDATE: An SPD spokesperson tells CHS its office didn’t receive the materials from detectives and that the video was provided directly to Q13.
There were no reported street robberies on Capitol Hill over the weekend.
So throw this pile of sh!t in prison for good. There’s no rehabilitation for this idiot.
For a peek into the lives of these career hoodlums, check out what appears to be their facebook pages: /GoinScotty & /mekhi.myres
Both have already done serious time in prison – posting pics of their release dates, smiling with relatives, etc. But where were these relatives when they started posting crap like this shortly after their release:
“God gave me my money. I believe the power to make money is a gift from God . to be developed and used to the best of our ability for the good of my family n da hood. Having been endowed with the gift I possess, I believe it is my duty to make money and still more money and to use the money I make for the good of my brothers n hood according to the dictates of my conscience.”
Yeah, buddy: that’s some gift you’ve got.
There is a good reason jails are full of people like this, and it has very little to do with racism.
“There is a good reason jails are full of people like this, and it has very little to do with racism.” – really? And how would you know?
Street thugs are street thugs, regardless of color. These idiots = street thugs. Lock ’em up.
Agree…and for a very long time. Society needs to be protected from vicious, amoral thugs like these guys.
“Both have already done serious time in prison – posting pics of their release dates, smiling with relatives, etc.”
The pic you are referring to ‘posting pics of their release dates, smiling with relatives’ is in front of the Idaho State Penitentiary – they are standing in front of a museum and historical monument – not a photo of their release from prison, smiling with their relatives lol
A correction to your Facebook identification. “/mekhi.myres” is not one of them; he’s a family member. The Myres who shot me is (a) named Jamala/Mala/Mali and, as of 5/28, (b) being held on $500,000 bail at the King County jail. /mekhi.myres is posting on Facebook now; I imagine the Myres that is in jail isn’t posting anything anywhere, let alone Facebook now.
1) I know because I read what these kids had to say, and take them at their word. They cite the need to make lots of money real quick to be a greater motivating factor, as opposed to racism. So I would conclude it was bad ideas and dangerous actions which keep getting them tossed back in jail.
Sure, racism could have played a minor role in turning these kids into predators, the same way I could say lack of sleep makes me a cranky driver on occasion.
Now, if you believe these guys are incapable of choosing their own destiny, because racism guides them at all times …. well, that’s kind of patronizing.
2) all men and women of color are discriminated against on a semi-regular basis, yet only a very small subset of young adult men commit a vastly disproportionate amount of the violent crimes. If racism was the driving factor for armed robbery, wouldn’t we see all minorities robbing people of their wallets and phones at gunpoint?
At least one got shot in the foot as a reminder that robbing people is not the road to success.
The fact that these kids are turning to robbery to make a little pocket cash says something about their opportunities. We need to catch criminals, yes, but we also need to address the root cause — a serious economic imbalance, hugely problematic education system, and systemic racism that disenfranchises young black men like this and massively reduces their ability to make meaningful choices in their lives. The world around them already showed it doesn’t care what happens to them — why should they care what happens to someone else? When we see this, it means failure on our parts much more than theirs.
OK, I get it. It’s my fault. Thanks for clearing that up.
I guess personal responsibility is a thing of the past. Let’s always find someone else to blame for our failures as functional members of society!
Wow, I can’t believe you are offering up these justifications for acting repeatedly in a criminal manner. Of course the “root causes” need to be addressed, but that will take a very long time (if ever), and in the meantime we cannot just say OK to crime. The thugs are not victims…..and, by the way, they are not “kids.”