Old Doc Maynard and Mother Damnable heard a few words from friends Sunday as E Clampus Vitus Chapter No. 54-40 rumbled into 15th Ave E’s Lake View Cemetery to celebrate the birthday of the only Seattle founding father who might have been comfortable on today’s Capitol Hill.
David Swinson “Doc” Maynard’s gravestone — renewed and rededicated in 2003 — hosted the party in Lake View Sunday where the red-shirted and top-hatted Clampers gathered. The local chapter, which traces its roots to a social order built around the parody of the phony mysticism and very real classism of the Odd Fellows, took Maynard as its namesake. The Seattle pioneer was famous for many things associated with being one of the first white people to “settle” an area — but he is probably best remembered for some of the things you don’t always hear like his “friendly relations” with native populations and a more liberal attitude toward liquor and sex.
With Lake View and Capitol Hill’s history, you’ll likely see Doc Maynard Chapter 54-40 around the area a few times each year for the group’s work parties to help improve Seattle historical sites — or help name boats for Doc Maynard. You can learn more at ecv5440.com.
This is a great article, thanks everyone for being there yesterday. Satisfactory