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Monday’s reported Cal Anderson gunpoint robbery wasn’t a robbery

CHS can report that there was one less armed robbery on Capitol Hill this week than previously reported.

Kind of.

Monday, CHS reported on an incident at Cal Anderson around 5:30 PM involving an extremely upset man who told police he had been held up at gunpoint in the park:

According to East Precinct radio dispatches, the victim fled to Seattle Central where he reported the hold-up to 911. Police were called out around 5:20 PM. According to the victim, the hold-up occurred near the basketball court off Nagle Place. The distraught victim told police his assailant threatened him with a 9 MM pistol during the robbery.

Police searched the area, looking for a black male, bald, with a chin-strap style beard and wearing a light blue plaid shirt, blue jeans, and Jordans.

But, according to details from the just-released report on the incident, the hold-up wasn’t as much a robbery as a disagreement between pot smokers — one who happened to be armed with a pistol, apparently:Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 3.19.32 PM

According to the report, police were able to identify the suspect and attempted to contact the West Seattle man via phone with “negative results.”

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10 years ago

Surprising as I am continuously told by potheads that no crimes or violence EVER are committed by people smoking week. *rolls eyes*

10 years ago

that’s weed not week. I shouldn’t type without my reading glasses on…


[…] week, a reported armed robbery in the park turned out to be a pistol-packed argument between two men over shared […]