In order to respond to the influx of calls in the busy summer season, SPD will be cutting staffing at all of its precinct lobbies, including Capitol Hill’s own East Precinct on 12th and Pine.
Starting July 3, SPD will be redeploying 25 of its officers currently assigned to precinct desks, the traffic unit, community police teams, school emphasis, and several federal task forces.
“We are looking at ways to continue service to those who need access to the precincts during this time period,” said Capt. Ron Wilson, East Precinct Commander.
The closure is a temporary measure, meant to help SPD respond better to the season’s typical increase in 911 calls.
“Our primary mission is responding to emergency calls,” said Deputy Chief Clark Kimerer in a statement from SPD’s blotter. “We understand it’s going to cause some inconveniences, but we feel this is necessary. It is our goal to return to normal operations after the summer.”
The official statement from the blotter can be found here.
It will be interesting to see the results of this project. A lot of people use the precinct for non emergency situations. At least some of the officers on the desk are off the streets for health or other reasons, but still able to work light duty, and I am not sure where they would be more useful. My guess is that this will turn out to be less than successful. Looking forward to a follow up in the fall.
every time 10 or 20 people take to the streets. And don’t stop buying all the latest toys and sending your thugs to trainings, learning to treat citizenry like enemy combatants… whatever you do commander, don’t stop what you are currently doing, just do more of it!
also, several federal task forces lol. Like the one that spent several years to break up a private poker game. SPD is a joke.
On SPD’s PR blog, Jonah wrote, “In order to maintain target response times during the typically busy summer season, and bolster anti-violence initiatives, the department will redeploy 25 officers currently assigned to precinct desks, the traffic unit, community police teams, school emphasis, and several federal task forces, beginning July 3rd.”
WHAT? “Several federal task forces”???
SPD had plenty of staffing to post dozens of officers downtown at Westlake park to harass protesters — not enforce law — all night long for weeks on end last fall. They had plenty of staffing to send undercover gang squad SUVs prowling our neighborhood and an escort of two dozen motorcycle cops during the peaceful Student Debt Noise Brigade march Wednesday. As far as I know, they’re still dedicating staff time to their lowest law enforcement priority: enforcement of cannabis prohibition violations by adults.
Mr. Mayor: Please, please, take control of your rogue staff.
I misread about the federal task forces. Staff are to be redeployed *from* multiple task forces. That’s a good thing.
Now, let’s redeploy some of the thugs who run around in unmarked SUVs ahead of peaceful demonstrators — the ones who are ready to crack heads whenever anyone dare look at them wrong — to front desk duty.
Let’s redeploy your complaining to something that actually makes a difference.
Thanks for the suggestion. Where do you suggest we go when our elected representatives refuse to stand up to the police guild?
Phil, doesn’t the “re-deployment” of several federal task forces mean that these officers will not be working with the feds to correct the problems that have been identified? If this is true, I would think you would not think this to be a “good thing.”
Also…a suggestion….stop calling police officers “thugs.” Yes, a small minority of them occasionally cross the line, but I don’t think it’s fair to label them as “thugs.”
My guess is that the federal task forces they’re being pulled from are related either to drug prohibition or Homeland Security.
That small minority who have been found to act in violation of the U.S. Constitution one out of every five times they use force definitely qualify as thugs. The so-called “Anti Crime Team” seem to be some of the worst abusers.
Regardless of whether you think that kneeling on someone while holding one arm behind his back, kicking him in the head, and telling him to stop resisting is thuggery, our police, who still find plenty of time to dedicate to that which is by law their lowest enforcement priority, who still find plenty of time to harass political demonstrators, are now telling us that they’re so understaffed they’re closing precinct lobbies.