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Hill Style | Dressed for sun on Broadway

Shawn- Broadway & Denny


Shawn had just returned from a backpacking trip through Turkey and Greece when I passed him on Broadway.  You might see him on your next train ride down to Portland.  He serves the drinks in bar car on the Seattle-Eugene route for Amtrak.

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gloomy gus
12 years ago

A fine catch for a photo. Since his features are good I feel comfortable noting that, beyond the abomination that is any chin beard, the look seems to illustrate the “one accessory too many” truism, in which not knowing when to stop can threaten any ensemble. We all do it now and again. In this instance, it would look less mannered with just one of the following left undone: matchy contrasty shoes and belt; pegged trousers; statement sunglasses; brilliantine galore; socks.

tl;dr: observe the fineness of the line between stylishness and hipster doofusness.

12 years ago

Ankles. No.

Once again, you confuse fashion with style, when the two are nearly antithetical.

12 years ago

Jeez, tough room.

gloomy gus
12 years ago

ProstSeattle, I wish I’d been nicer. I think I hold the handsome man to a much higher standard.

12 years ago

If GQ can’t reach a solid conclusion on this matter then I’m inclined to think there is some leeway in this ongoing argument.

12 years ago

Or GQ is just wrong (for most people’s taste).
He’s a fine looking man and he can pull of (almost) anything. Except high-waters.