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First 2012 #seasnow open thread — sweet anticipation

UPDATE: The morning’s patches have been replaced by a five-inch coat of snow across most of Capitol Hill. It’s been a lot of fun but there have also been the typical problems with Metro buses and a drag of a power outage for some 3,800 customers in parts of the Hill. Details, pictures and video, below.

UPDATE: And a bump to Sunday morning where we find a light dusting of snow in tiny patches on the Hill and reports rolling in from elsewhere in the city — West Seattle, Ballard — and the region of lightly falling snow.

Here’s more of what to expect today and Monday from the Seattle Times.

Saturday: With a quiet Saturday around the Hill and the city all atwitter about our first snow — and interesting weather — for a long time, we’re posting this open thread. Latest forecasts predict wet snow here and there through the day with things maybe getting a little more serious Sunday morning. If things get even more interesting, we’ll swing into neighborhood news blog action. We’re also monitoring this afternoon’s protest march planned to finish at 12th and Pine’s East Precinct headquarters.

We’ve also added the CHS weather box back to the homepage sidebar if you want to check the temperature in Volunteer Park or latest conditions around the neighborhood.

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13 years ago

Was going out for a day of errands and hit snow in the udistrict area. Definitely sticking there and quite slippery. One car accident on 23rd near Montlake. Didn’t want to get stuck off the hill in a prius so came home .

13 years ago

Yeah, I left the hill to drive up Roosevelt to go to Northgate for a while yesterday afternoon, and while there wasn’t a trace sticking in Cap Hill, it was definitely sticking when I hit Ravenna and ‘hoods northward. Good idea to stick to the Hill unless other neighborhood blogs are reporting an all-clear.

13 years ago

Along with m/s or kph in wind speed.

Celsius this!
13 years ago

SERIOUSLY? Convert it your own damn self.

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
13 years ago

#8 heading west on John paused at the bottom of the always problematic hill from 20th to 19th, did a very elegant 3 point turn and head back eastwards on John, retracing its steps.

13 years ago

what are you, a fucking portlandia sketch?

13 years ago

11th ave e and Harrison.

13 years ago

Nope, just a foreigner.

13 years ago

No power around Belmont/summit/mercer area

13 years ago

As of about 20 minutes ago: I was at the library, just mere seconds from checking out when the power went down. QFC is darkened, but on generator.

13 years ago

Seattle City Light says that exactly 3,785 homes are without power, which is expected to be restored by 8pm.

13 years ago

It’s been parked since last night.

13 years ago

Power went out just before 2pm around the Broadway Market QFC. The City Light outage map shows it extending east towardMadison and Interlacken

13 years ago

that’s the first thing i always do when i travel: make the locals do math for me. what a tool.

13 years ago

It’s roughly about 2.

Both Windows and OS X have weather widgets though too, and you can set it to read celcius.

13 years ago

and also the people being pissy to Kathamster, they just were wondering. Quit making such a big deal of it. I’m sure if you travel and you look at anything metric you’re just as confused. Cut people some slack.

13 years ago

For those wanting a higher resolution map of the power outage, Seattle City Light has a map of its current status at
This is probably where the map in the article was taken from.

Robert Ketcherside
13 years ago


13 years ago

Prime example of why people hate Americans. Thanks for making the rest of us look like tools.

13 years ago

Got rear-ended on Olive Way while waiting behind a turning car near B&O. When driving in snow downhill folks, you need to go SLOW and pump, don’t slam, your brakes if you start to skid. Traction is your friend, and if you lose it, freaking out won’t get it back.

13 years ago

The QFC next to the library is on partial power. You have to ask someone to get dairy and meats from behind the plastic curtain, but you can still use the checkouts. Bring a flashlight for some sections of the store. According to them, the QFC on Pine is also without power.

Ernest Tee Bass
13 years ago

We’re not all “Celsius morons” bud. Most of us know enough Celsius to figure out anything near 0 is near freezing and anything near 40 is HOT for us. We aren’t in Rome, so we aren’t doing the Roman thing. We’re in the U.S. so we are doing the American thing.

When I become king, I will change U.S. to metric measurements but will keep measuring temperature in the more precise Fahrenheit scale.

13 years ago

People hate Americans because we make fun of foreigners too lazy and/or dumb to make a simple arithmetic conversions? Right then.

13 years ago

Just caught the #8 up from Belltown. Either the driver hadn’t bothered learning the reroute beyond the Westlake/Olive skirt around Denny or they hadn’t fully updated him but he was totally baffled upon coming to the road closure sign at 11th & John. I asked to bail early as the guy was about to drive around the closure sign and “see what happens”

Ernest Tee Bass
13 years ago

“see what happens” Lol. I totally believe it.

13 years ago

When I go to Vancouver I don’t run around asking everyone to convert to Fahrenheit for me. OK, well…truthfully that’s mostly because I can do it myself. But still…..I wouldn’t!

13 years ago

Not sure if it was the same one, but I have an idea I know “what happens”. There was a #8 stuck on Union St. east of 23rd Ave.

It’s funny, I saw more stranded buses than cars today.

13 years ago

If you are in a modern car with anti-lock brakes, pumping the brakes is the worse thing to do, PUSH Hard on the brakes and let the anti-lock brakes do the work for you. Also, even better, stay 3 to 4 car lengths away from the car in front of you.

13 years ago

whats the driving like on 10th, and broadway? what are the side roads like?

13 years ago

Yup. A sledding crow. It seemed appropriate.

13 years ago

I just want to give a shout out to that Seattle City Light crew for getting the power back on. I was pretty worried about keeping my small children warm overnight but now I am sitting in comfort watching TV and typing away, my kids safely tucked in in their cozy bedrooms. Nice job!!!

Seattle City Linesman
13 years ago

Just doing our job Ma’am.

When triple overtime isn’t enough motivation, quadruple overtime usuallu does the trick. Glad you and yours are warm and safe.

13 years ago

To Kathamster, Sorry for the rudeness of my fellow _________.

13 years ago

I suspect that you may have found a similar link already, but for those who want to convert degrees Farenheit to degrees Celsius, here is one link that might be helpful:

Alternatively, if you want to calculate this yourself, the formula should be:
(x degrees F – 32) multiplied by 5 and divided by 9.

I attended a French school throughout my childhood and teenage years. Math problems were in metric, with temperatures in Celsius; but since I lived in the U.S., they taught us conversion formulas.
Cheers, a neighbor