We don’t do a lot of ceremonies on Capitol Hill so it was nice to be part of a brief but glitter-y moment of honor Saturday night as the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce and Sound Transit’s art program recognized the work of five deserving non-profits as part of the second annual Stars on Broadway installation.
Details on the honorees and their local artist-created stars are below. You can see the stars lit on the wall through the holidays on the big red construction wall along John at Broadway. Next week, 2010’s stars — representing Cal Anderson Park Alliance, Gay City Health Project, Neighborhood Farmer’s Market Alliance, Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets and Rosehedge/Multifaith Works — and hand-painted placards detailing each of the new stars will be in place on the wall.
Details on this year’s honorees from the Chamber are below. Here’s a short clip of the stars being lit up following the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence giving the whole thing a glitter-smudged blessing. See? Ceremony!
Ingersoll Gender Center’s witty star (Image: CHS)
For the second year in a row the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce and Sound Transit are partnering on “STars on Broadway,” a program that shines some light on a few of the non-profit organizations that make life brighter for everyone on Capitol Hill throughout the year.
For this second annual event, the Capitol Hill Chamber has selected five recipient organizations to be honored with a lighted star. Each STar has been created by artists from the Sound Transit Art Program (STart) Wall Project.
The stars will be featured throughout the holiday season on the red construction wall on the Southeast corner of Broadway & John.
The public is invited to attend a short dedication
Saturday December 3rd, 2011 at 5:30pm
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will again bless the STars.
2011 “STars on Broadway” Honorees:
Entre Hermanos
Promotes the health & well being of the Latino LGBTQ community, using culture & language as their strength. www.entrehermanos.org
Star by: Joey Veltkamp www.72clouds.com
Friends of the Conservatory, Volunteer Park
100 years & still growing! Encouraging public participation, education,& preservation of your beautiful local Conservatory. www.volunteerparkconservatory.org
Star by: JoAnne Lepore
Real Grrls
Empowering young women from diverse communities to realize their power, talent, & influence through media production. www. reelgrrls.org
Star by: Kelly Lyles www.kellyspot.com
Ingersoll Gender Center
Supporting transgender people toward growth and well-being through education, advocacy, & information resources for people interested in gender identity issues. www. ingersollcenter.org
Star by: ilvs strauss
Building confidence and self-sufficiency for homeless youth by providing a continuum of care that includes outreach, basic services,
emergency shelter, housing, counseling, education, and employment training. www. youthcare.org
Star by: Ferdous Ahmed