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If the Cuff can do Xmas in July, Linda’s can do Halloween in August

Every day is Halloween on Capitol Hill. This Wednesday, Linda’s is clubbing that idea over the head and sticking it with a set of razor tipped Freddy gloves. If you’d like to dress up extra special crazy, check out Nightmare on Pine Street:

On Wednesday August 31st at 9 p.m., rivers of blood and fun shall flow from the walls and beers taps of Linda’s Tavern! It’s A Nightmare… on Pine Street!!!

We consulted our Ouija board, and it seems that sinister powers from an alternate dimension are demanding that we throw a RAGING Halloween party in the sunshine of summer! No mere mortal will be able to resist the blood-curdling sounds of DJS Hank Rock, TigerBeat, and Lady Jazz! Drinks specials will be bubbling up from our witch’s cauldron, so be sure to come thirsty… BLOODTHIRSTY!

On this eve of evil, we will have costume contests including best look-alike, most creative, and best zombie!!! Stay tuned to our Twitter and Facebook for the terrifying details!

Halloween in the summer; It’s gonna be a scream!

If, for an August Halloween party, we were being Linda’s copywriter, we wouldn’t have written that last line. But the rest sounds like a party. Trick or treat.

Meanwhile, here’s hoping the Cuff does not sue for copyright infringement.

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12 years ago

I guess I missed something.

How really bizarre.


Linda, check the quality.

12 years ago

say it again.


i don’t think you got your point across enough the first couple times.

stay home then negative nancy, let others have their fun.
