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Reminder: Trolley bus meeting tonight at 5pm just off the Hill

King County is holding a public meeting to discus the findings of a recent evaluation of Metro’s electric trolley bus system. The meeting is from 5-7 p.m. tonight, April 27, at Plymouth Congregational Church’s Hildebrand Hall near 6th and University downtown.

Metro’s trolley bus fleet is getting old and will need to be replaced in the next five years, according to the agency. A document discussing initial findings favored a replacement trolley bus fleet heavily over a diesel fleet in nearly all categories including cost.

Given the high number of electric trolley buses serving Capitol Hill, support for keeping the quiet, exhaust-free buses from CHS readers has generally been high.

Public comments on the findings are due by May 6. The report will inform Metro’s budget this summer, which will go to the King County Council for approval in November. If all goes smoothly, the new trolley buses could start rolling out in 2014. You can send feedback on the report to Project Manager Christina O’Claire at [email protected].

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Transit Jeff
Transit Jeff
13 years ago

With the skyrocketing price of Diesel fuel today, we’re in a very good position to see the electric trolley coaches system saved ‘again’ in Seattle. Its come close to the brink before. Having a hydro-electric generating system is really a blessing now. I urge Metro to convert more Diesel bus lines to electric trolley coaches. Take advantage to that wonderful hydro-electric ‘clean/green’ power. It’s also a great way to reduce our dependency on oil in this country. But Big Oil hates electric trolley coaches, street cars, light rail or electric automobiles. They’d rather have you by the throat while they make billions of dollars a year !! Let’s face it, paying for or even having a study to consider the replacement of a trolley coach system with Diesel buses was totally absurd, especially in these times. Thankfully, the correct decision was made. Any other decision would have been idiotic.

13 years ago

The new trolleys will be a very positive investment for the future of Seattle and Metro.

Ryan in the sky
13 years ago

The 8 is a great candidate for trolley bus wire. It would run on existing wire in Queen Anne, and on Olive Way/John St. Let’s do it Metro!