These citizens representing projects on Capitol Hill and the Central District were part of the more than 30 speakers from across the city who spoke at Monday night’s public hearing for the Seattle Parks Opportunity Fund grants at 19th Ave East’s Miller Community Center. We documented the Capitol Hill area projects here while you can review the Central District area projects here. You can find out more about the grants here If you would like to add your comments for consideration by the oversight committee, send e-mail to [email protected] by November 17.
One Capitol Hill project that isn’t currently on the priority list for the Opportunity Fund that had strong support Monday night is the McGilvra Place Green Infrastructure project that would restructure the McGilvra Place green space we wrote about here. We’ll have additional coverage on that project and the rest of the hearing later this week.
And if you had waited one more minute, jseattle, you would have seen me as the last speaker of the night, in support of the John St extension project. :-)