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Alano Club survives to help on Capitol Hill another day

CHS reported in July that the Capitol Hill Alano Club needed to raise $15,000 by August in order to continue serving Hill residents struggling with addiction. After raising more than $20,000, the club’s leaders say they will continue to support more than 60 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings around the Hill each week. 

According to Aaron Emde, an Alano Club spokesperson, the organization saw an outpouring of community support after reaching out. He said he cried after the group’s Staying Alive event, which provided some of the funds necessary for keeping the club open, and compared the fundraising struggle to the struggle of addiction itself.

“It almost seemed like something we needed to do on our own, but when we couldn’t, help was there,” said Emde.

For the past 12 years, Emde said the club has largely relied on the Bat N Rouge drag queens vs. dykes softball game as a fundraiser but the organization is finding that strategy is no longer viable. Club members attribute the low turnout from this year’s game to poor scheduling. It fell on a rainy Saturday that happened to be the same weekend of the Solstice Parade in Fremont. “We wanted the previous weekend,” Emde said, “Which I might add was gorgeous and sunny.”

But depending on the weather isn’t very sound financial planning. The organization’s board is still developing infrastructure and reviewing strategies for preventing another financial crisis in the future. Currently, Emde said they are looking toward greater community involvement, stronger membership communication and building relationships with larger donors.

In the meantime, the group will host their Jock Straps and Glitter fundraiser in Cal Anderson on Saturday. At 6 PM, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will face off against Quake Rugby in a game of kickball. Suggested donation at the event is $5. If you would like to help support the group or want to learn more, check out

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Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

Three cheers and more, more, more…. cheers.

Really super how everybody pulled together to get the money together that they needed … big and small. At the fundraiser mentioned in the story they raised about 4,000.. incl. 1,500. from the Sisters and it was from raffle tickets, cover at the door, tip jar donated by the singers, and just an extra twenty or two in the basket.

Someone mentioned that Group Health had written a fair check, too.

Any event with jock strap in the title will get a lot more money in the door for them, too.

Cheers again, and again, and again.

Sister KarmaZaBetch
Sister KarmaZaBetch
14 years ago

Its going to be a blast! Can’t Wait – See you there!!/event.php?eid=134568753245454&ref=mf