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East Precinct commander: Crime stats looking good, burglaries down

The takeaway from last Thursday’s East Precinct community crime and safety meeting? Things have been quiet. CHS companion site Central District News reports that community members and police officials both noted that February and March have been a relatively quiet period for crime in the East Precinct beats that stretch from northern Capitol Hill to the southern edges of the CD.

Here are some stats provided at the meeting by East Precinct commander Capt. Jim Dermody:

East Precinct Captain Dermody said the official stats show a clear decrease in crime too:

  • Part 1 crimes (felonies, the most serious) are down 36% between 2005 and the end of 2009
  • Residential burglaries are down to 31 in the last month, compared to an average of 53
  • Non-residential burglaries are down to 8, vs. an average of 21 each month
  • Auto thefts are down from a recent high two months ago
  • A prolific car prowler has been arrested, and SPD is hoping to see a big decrease in those crimes as a result
  • The gang unit made an arrest near 23rd & Union on Wednesday. Suspect was on parole, and found to be carrying drugs. He’s now in jail without bail while detectives build a case.
  • Our analysis of SPD crime reports for February also showed a generally quiet period for the Hill. Still, while the total numbers may be dropping, incidents of violent strong-arm robbery on the Hill’s streets continue. The most recent attempted purse snatch on Friday sounds like a less violent attack than other recent muggings like this Wednesday morning assault and robbery near 18th and Prospect.

    Reporting on crime — and reading that reporting — needs to balance data and the collected anecdotes. Crime will always be part of life in the city and the stats will climb and dip and climb again. Recently, there have been fairly regular reports of people being hurt on the street for their money or their cell phones. You should still enjoy your city but it’s probably always a good idea not to walk alone late at night.

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