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Capitol Hill Preparedness People on CityStream

Angela Wallis and the Capitol Hill Preparedness People (CHiPP) appeared a few days ago on Seattle Channel’s CityStream.  If you have not attended a CHiPP meeting, get a glimpse of what goes on in the program.  Here is a full description:

3/22/2010: If an earthquake or a big storm knocked out your power and water for a few days, would you be prepared? Experts say you should be stocked with enough food, water and other supplies for three days. But the truth is, most of aren`t prepared. One Capitol Hill resident decided she needed to be ready and so did her neighbors. So she took on the task of educating herself. Now she`s educating her neighbors. Watch CityStream`s Emergency Preparedness story now to see how grassroots efforts can lead to neighbors being more empowered when an emergency arises.

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