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CHS 2009: Top 9 Capitol Hill videos of 2009

– A year ago we said goodbye to 2008 with a light dusting of snow, which lead to some shenanigans on Denny, among other things .

Capitol Hill Sledding from Vaun Raymond on Vimeo .

– And although it was nothing compared to the parties of election night, we started the year with a street party celebrating the inauguration of Barack Obama.

Inauguration Night Seattle from mattquann on Vimeo .

And we did a little self-reflection about what all this Obama enthusiasm, and it’s resulting flood of Obama inspired art, meant about us as a community.  

Hope Art from David Albright on Vimeo .

– With the opening of the first section of light rail just months away, Sound Transit started prepping the site of our Capitol Hill station.  Thanks to their START program we got some temporary art installed in the soon-to-be demolished buildings.  

STart on Broadway from P. O’Brien | G. Miller on Vimeo.

– But the art was only temporary…

– By the time summer rolled around we were ready for a party in the park.

7th Annual Capitol Hill Independence Day Community Picnic from Patrick Wright on Vimeo.

– And of course some drunken craziness in Pike/ Pine

Are you ok? from Ron Hansen on Vimeo.

We capped off the year by continuing our trend of being on the right side of elections, by helping to elect Mike McGinn, who both announced his candidacy on the hill and held his election night (victory!) party on the hill, at the now closed War Room. 

McGinn Election Night Party from David Albright on Vimeo.

– And I’ll leave you with this timelapse video from in and around Cap Hill.

Seattle Time Lapse 2: Capitol Hill from southernbachelor on Vimeo.

This post is by David Albright.  I’m a freelance videographer and documentary producer and I also blog about Seattle related videos at  Video credits for all the videos in this post can be found directly under each video.

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Mike with curls
Mike with curls
15 years ago

Sledding video is terrific, isn’t there a prize for this somewhere? Memories, oh the memories.

Night after night, many of us down a hill somewhere, none better than Denny.

Thanks, great post, great video.

Mike in a fast tub from China via K Mart