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Lightning and hailstorm raise a ruckus on Hill

A wind-driven lightning and hailstorm that quickly passed across the city also rumbled across Capitol Hill late tonight. The storm arrived on Capitol Hill around 10:42 if you believe Twitter — about 5 minutes after reports started spreading across the social messaging service’s Tweets from the West Seattle area. In the 15-minute window around the storm’s coming and going, there were 1,267 Tweets about ‘thunder’ in the Seattle area.

Here’s what a few of you had to say about it:

interactiver: Holy crap! Hail on Capitol Hill!
Seattle, WA
moohaha: Seattle Cap Hill: huge lightening + thunder. Cloud covered Space Needle in <5 min. Now it's hailing
eliranderson: Wicked hail storm on Cap Hill.
Seattle, WA, USA

Power on the Hill is still on (fingers crossed) but there are reports of outages in Leschi and Queen Anne was dark earlier this evening. The Western Washington forecast says to expect more of the same blustery wet weather through Friday and into Saturday.

Here’s a video of the heavy downpour from Cheesecake:

Rainstorm in Seattle – Nov 5 09 from David Albright on Vimeo.

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Tom Pastrano
Tom Pastrano
15 years ago

I’m visiting from Oklahoma where we normally see a few of these a year. This was impressive as it came down hard enough to look like snow. Motorists were having problems driving for a few minutes afterwards.

15 years ago

The storm hit Alki at 11:35 p.m. and had to ice pellets attacking the windows, felt like we were under attack.

15 years ago

It woke me up and I had to get out of bed to watch. I LOVE STORMS!

Dean Forbes
Dean Forbes
15 years ago

No one has seen or heard a thunderstorm before? Let’s get excited about something more important.

linder seattle
linder seattle
15 years ago

Yeah, the lightning & thunder (flash-boom! about 3 times), sideways wind and then hail also hit us on the Hill around 11:35.

PS: Everybody talks about the weather – whether it is exciting/important or not. Last night, it was pretty exciting and intense esp. when you are inside safe and warm and the lights are staying on.

Ty Webb
Ty Webb
15 years ago

I think I saw Bishop Pickering out playing golf last night.

15 years ago

Yeah, I think this is pretty funny. I’m from the Midwest and recently moved here from Florida. This was not a strong thunderstorm at all.

15 years ago

oklahoma sucks.

15 years ago

I love great storms like this one, I’m just bummed that I was out of town when this one rolled through :-(