At the Capitol Hill Community Council meeting on Thursday, a packed audience delivered landslide victories to President Jennifer Power and Vice-President Hong Chhuor. The rest of the slate, who ran unopposed, were also elected.
Jen and Hong rapidly assumed their Community Council duties, and represented the Council at the Gay (etc) Pride parade downtown this Sunday. Resplendent in white sashes proclaiming their titles, they waved to the jubilant crowds from the Goth Pride float.
(Discussion point: should we have a Capitol Hill Community Council / Capitol Hill Chamber float in the parade next year, perhaps with Sound Transit funds, to promote the Council and to bolster businesses in the area, which will be heavily impacted with light rail construction by then?)
Vice-President Hong Chhuor and President Jen Power wave to the Gay Pride parade crowds from the Goth float
Like most all things in life … it costs, $350.00 for a non profit, register early, SOaP, organizers, close the number off and the latecomers just are not accepted.
we have some hotties on the chcc! rawr!
The sashes were gifts from the Goth community and not a display of egoism by the new Pres or the V.P.