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Anne Bonny out, Money Mart in on Olive – UPDATE

Just last week we were documenting Olive Way as one of the Hill’s nooks and crannies full of wonder and goodness. Now comes word that the Anne Bonny is closing shop on Olive and the dreaded Money Mart is installed and operational. Thanks to Seattle Metblogs for pointing out both pieces of not so great news.


Spencer at the Anne Bonny
Originally uploaded by jseattle

UPDATE: A Twitter report that the Anne Bonny is moving along the I5 Shores:

@Slightlynorth: Anne Bonny is moving at the end of April to the corner of Summit and Mercer.

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15 years ago

Faire has had a for lease sign in their window for at least a month now saying the Anne Bonney space would be available in April/May.

I drove by the Money Mart on Olive this morning, it looks out of place; however, it better than an empty store front. I guess there’s a need if they moved in. As long as they don’t put bars on the windows (like the one on Broadway), then it’s just another service for the neighborhood in my mind.

15 years ago

I don’t walk by every day and missed it on my last visit. Could have asked Spencer myself. Hope his new place works out.

15 years ago

Summit and Mercer?! Does that mean No Space is leaving? There are no empty retail front there right now so something must be leaving. I did notice about a week ago No Space had written in sharpie on the wall, “Goodbye Seattle, New York loves me,” or something like that, so I guess that would make some sense.

Swift Albero
Swift Albero
15 years ago

Walking past it again yesterday, I am constantly disgusted by the yellow sign they glued onto the purple awning. They just a-waddle on in, a-ploppin’ their fat asses down in the seat next to us, exposed forearms spilling over the armrest, with no respect or consideration for their surroundings or the neighborhood. Neon signs and florescent lighting are going to spew out of there when the place opens. It’s going to be hideous.

15 years ago

Swift, I should have add to my ‘no bars’ comment, ‘no neon lights’. You’re right, those are hideous. The amante pizza sign is enough.