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A CHS holiday gift for you – crow buttons has buttons. And they’re kind of fun. They feature the EmilyP-designed crow. I usually have a pocketful and like to hand them out on the random occasion when I run into somebody who follows the site. It’s an inefficient distribution system, to be sure.

So, starting this afternoon, we’re making the CHS crow buttons available for pick-up. For free. No purchase necessary. Stop by CHS sponsor Emerson Salon and ask, nicely, for the CHS crow button jar. Take a button — one per person, pretty please — and put it on and sport the CHS crow wherever on the Hill you go. It’s like getting the Happy Meal toy without having to buy the Happy Meal.

Emerson Salon is located at 909 E. Pike and is open despite the ice and snow.

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16 years ago

Hurray for free! I’m going to pick one up today on my way to check out Oddfellows.

16 years ago

So stop on by and get your free button

16 years ago

that sounds like the perfect plan: a button and then Oddfellows. I am so in your footsteps, Audrey!

Tikkun Chatzot
Tikkun Chatzot
16 years ago

I absolutely LOVE the crow logo! What a perfect mascot for Capitol Hill: like so many of its diverse residents, crows are just a little (or a LOT) smarter than the average what-have-you. They dress in a notably urban, egalitarian-but-elegant black, like The Hill’s many bohemians, Goths, Punks, artists, waitstaff, actors, and range of working class types with more taste and brains than money. Crows may seem a little intimidating, but if you get to know them up close, they have a quick, witty, scintillating and PLAYFUL sense of humor. Likewise, folks from other parts of town find Capitol Hill residents to be warm, fun, and amusing friends after any stereotypes of artsy aloofness or elite intellectuality are discarded.

Please remember to put out a pan of water, and any spare kibble, beans, or meaty leftovers destined for the trash, to help the crows weather this unusual freeze. They’re tough, resourceful birds, but Seattle’s crows are not used to such severe winter weather, and I think they can use a little comfort this weekend.