It’s no secret that I love cats. And from recent CHS comments, it sounds like lots of Capitol Hill folks love cats too. So, in an effort to wipe away some of the bad energy from yesterday’s post, I propose an arts and crafts project. Send me pics of your kitties and I will put together a super cute (or super tacky) collage of the CHS Hillcats! Email: [email protected].
Thanks final. Forgive me, CHS.
look, the project even gets house ads!
I don’t know how that ad appeared, but it is amazing! (And a little emotional.)
I have received some awesome ones so far, but PLEASE SEND ME YOUR KITTY PICS, FOLKS! Email: [email protected]
can we do dogs next time?! please!? i love kitties but i’m allergic so i have a beagle monster instead!
Well, considering I’m not getting quite enough cats sent to me (come on cat peeps!), I’d considering casting a wider net. What about Hillcritters instead?
I’m excited about this project.
i have plenty of friends with pet rats or hamsters and birds too!