The naming of sub-neighborhoods sparked debate on the new CHS even before most of us had logged in. The most contentious name, understandably, is Institution Belt. The most popular, understandably, is I-5 Shores. Hillku’s resident geographer, jonglix, just published a brand spankin’ new map (see above) with a some proposed changes.
So I thought I’d get the ball re-rolling. Whaddya think? How should we (re)define the Hill?
I like that. It feels better than the Institutional Belt.
FYI, the official Miller Park Neighborhood boundary (as per Andrew Taylor’s website) extends south of Madison to Pine Street. Gotta say that we feel a bit snubbed, as we live in that triangle bounded by Madison/Pine/23rd.
It belongs to the CD, since everyone knows that Capitol Hill ends at Madison (unless you’re a real estate agent). For proof: the “Welcome to the Central District” sign is on that block.
Miller’s boundaries are pretty much as drawn on the map. A few years ago, when the Central Neighborhood Association was dormant, and the development of Madison was a hot issue, lots of people from the CNA area came to Miller Park (MPNA) meeting, so CNA & MPNA agreed to “share” the Madison to Pine area (see http://home.jps.net/~tayles/miller_map.gif : the combined areas approximate the “Madison-Miller Urban village, of 1998 Neighborhood Planning fame ).
Rigid boundaries seem problematic, especially if they run along important arterials, which are going to be hotbeds of redevelopment!
Now if Google maps would just let us draw real fuzzy lines on maps….
“that triangle bounded by Madison/Pine/23rd”: CHS blog had a name for that area a while ago. Anyone remember?
St. Marks is a great label for the north-north Cap Hill area!
Not re-zoning. (as the schmuck who has to figure out how to easily re-organize this site. note i said ‘easily.’)
So, St. Marks > An Historic District
Institution Belt < Cal Anderson (you people are so sensitive! ;) I admit, I wouldn't want to live in IB either) I’m thinking about keeping Fancy Pants — talk me out of it!
Fine…so we live in the Mad-Miller Urban Village but not Miller Park proper. I don’t that CHS query ever came up with a final answer on the name of our micro-hood. “Burner Triangle” was the one that I remember the most, only because I had no idea there was a large number of burners (i.e., people who frequent Burning Man) in this area. Whatever — I guess I shouldn’t care what it’s called and just enjoy being able to take advantage of all that cap hill and the CD have to offer…
We have the Pike/Pine strip, the Broadway strip, and I think Olive strip has it’s own definite flavor. I propose that the jagged pieces of I-5 shores and Pike/Pine be restructured into a square, centered around the Olive/Denny intersection. Melrose Ave to Belmont Ave, Olive St to John St. This new area would take The Elite from i-5 shores and also include Amante, Clever Dunnes, The Saint, The Crescent, and Redwood now belongs here instead of Pike/Pine. This also reflects the annual Olive/Denny neighborhood block party.
Also, given that the freeway is virtually unnoticeable from anywhere but Melrose Ave, I humbly propose renaming the popular “I-5 shores” simply to “Summit”. This is what I’ve always called it, inspired by the #14 bus, which touts “TO SUMMIT VIA PIKE ST” on its reader board. Note that it does mention Pike as a street, but not SUMMIT AVE, just SUMMIT.
..and of course all the other Olive Way area holes: In the Bowl, Bus Stop, B&O(?), Chopsticks, Chez Gaudy, etc…
I’m resisting the urge to start another debate about “a historic” / “an historic” / “an istoric” / “annistoric” / “ahistoric”
One thing’s for sure, though, that district is istoric, and the B&O building is most certainly ahistoric.
Maybe we shouldn’t label anything.
I label you blog buzz killer!